Sunday, October 25, 2015

Gesu VIsit 3

During my third visit at Gesu, I was able to observe a Spanish class. I was really surprised that they were learning a different language at such a young age. I was unsure of how that would go and if that children would actually understand what their teacher was saying. Surprisingly, they knew a lot more than I expected. They were able to count to 5 in Spanish and even knew a few verbs. The teacher had a worksheet for them where they cut pictures out and put them next to the correct Spanish word. Most of the students did this correctly. It was often times hard for the teacher to get the students attention they didn't always know what she was saying. When they got back to their classroom, the teacher let them make paper airplanes because they were learning a lesson about air. The children were very excited to make them but most of them came to be for help when constructing them. They were allowed to color them and put pictures on them. One of the girls, Mari, drew a picture of me and said it was so she would always remember me. I was so touched by this because it was only my third day in the classroom and I could already tell what an impact I had on her. It made me very eager to teach and have my own classroom. 

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