Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Gesu Visit 6

During my sixth visit to Gesu, they had music class. They played games that involved singing which they enjoyed. I noticed the teacher was very controlling in a way. She kept telling them what to do and what not to do. They also had to recite 4 rules before they played each game. The more the teacher told them what to do, the more they acted out. Showing your authority over the students doesn't guarantee they are going to listen to you. She also babied them in the way she spoke to them. I completely understand trying to speak in a way that they will understand and appeal to but you also have still be an adult and not completely talk down to them.  I have learned in ED 100 how important it is for your students to realize that they are on the same level as you. Towards the end of the day, the students created a fossil out of a mold. They were able to color it however they liked and they were very creative with this. 

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